Reiki For Seniors

Reiki for Seniors –
What’s in a Number?

Why is society so fixated on what “age” one is? Does one’s age act as a guideline to how one should feel, or act, behave, or conduct one’s Self and why do we simply accept it to be so? Have you known those who have exceed their life expectancy and have lived to be 100 years of age or older are still functioning? Do they defy all odds or is it in their own beliefs and simply do NOT buy into the patriarchal society of how one should feel at a certain age?
What about You? Do you believe that once you pass a certain number that “things simply just don’t work like they used to” or “I can’t do that at MY age” or maybe even the “must be old age” as to why you believe you cannot do something.
I created this class because of my own Grandmother. It was her 80th birthday bash and a great deal of the family was present. My Grams was a “young” 80 and she often marveled at the grace of my young son on his rollerblades. She had often wished for a pair of her own! Now, I know what you are thinking…”Oh no she didn’t”… but Oh YES I did… it was a magical moment to watch the eyes of her inner child gleem with excitement, if only for a moment until the entrie family gasped with fear.

Then came the comments of 100 reasons why she could NOT even put them on, not even for a moment on the carpet. To watch the disappointment as it became to cloud around her, I knew that it was in that moment, when she accepted what her family declared as Truth, making it her own. Shortly after that, maybe a year, maybe two, is when she began her 11 years journey of defeating one form of cancer after another until she lost the battle this past April, 2010. She is missed, but she has taught me the importance of NOT buying into the TRUTHS of others. For this, I will always be grateful and this is why I created this class…For YOU, so you, too, STOP buying into what society says you should be doing in these Golden years of your life! Why else would they call them Golden? To lay around in a hosiptal bed waiting your return home? I think NOT!!!

In this class you will learn:
  • Healing begins at Any age
  • Understanding the language of the body and what your body is trying to communicate to you
  • Diminished Life Force Energy and Stress
  • What is Reiki, is it Safe, is it a Cult,
  • The many benefits of Reiki at All Ages, release your own inner healer
  • Reverse the physical signs of aging
  • Reverse the some damage done by dis-ease and/or accidents, rebuilding at the cellular level
  • Reduce stress, free worry, let go of fear
  • Awakening to the spiritual aspect of Self
  • Being in a state of peacefulness
  • Crossing over – the Transition

Another aspect I want to encourage you to consider is in the sharing of your own wisdom and life’s experiences with our youth.

It is my own personal belief that one of the areas of life that is missing is the “traditioning” with our youth. Our fore-mothers used to pass down through one generation to the next words of wisdom, we no longer share these “round circle” meetings with our daughters, daughters, daughters…I would like to return this tradition.

It is one of my hopes and aspirations through this class that many of you are willing to share your stories of wisdom with me so that I may begin to share your wisdom with our youth, our leaders of tomorrow. If we are to teach them a better way, if we are to teach them to live through their hearts, we must first begin by giving them something in which to see……

With love and light